Tuesday 16 April 2013


Simcity is a new game on the PC and will be released for mac in July 2013
Simcity is a game were you are in control of a city.You need to plan roads build schools,police stations and zone land.The game is very hard to play because you have to keep people happy which is hard because every person is thinking different things.I would say the hardest thing to do in the game making your budget good.schools,hospitals,police stations and water cost money (simlons) When you start a city the most important thing to do is build a connection to the highway .Without doing this you can't do anything.Use high density streetcar avenues but only spend about
10000 simlons on them.Then zone two shops one factory and all the rest houses.Then turn time up to its highest point speed and watch your houses being built.Your people are going to start complaining about water put in a water pump and they will stop.Then they are going to start complaining about electricity.Put in a windmill.Also never ever put in a nuclear power plant
If it gets destroyed radiation goes everywhere.Next put in a sewage out flow pipe make shore it is not on your water supply.Then maybe you would want to put in a park or two.Now if you are having problems with your budget feel free to raise your taxes a bit.But before we do that we need to build a town hall.Now you can raise your taxes.On the less positive side there are earthquakes,aliens stealing people,zombie invasions,tornadoes,meteor showers,and last but not least gonzila attacks.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Subway surfers

Subway surfers is a game where you jump
From train to train collecting coins,doging
Barriers and collecting mystery boxes.
You save up your coins for something like
A new character or a new hover board.A hover board is something that stops you from dying for thirty seconds.Some hover boards have power ups in them e.g daredevil.Power ups are icons than are bonuses in the game like the super sneakers that make you bounce really high.Mystery boxes are exactly like you would imagine you get mysteries inside them.